Performing Arts Grants
Performing Arts are a vital part of our culture and various heritages. One thing that makes performing arts grants programs possible is grant money. While there are many scholarships for performing arts students, it is vital that schools receive performing arts grants so that they can continue to operate, and in some cases so that they can award students with performing arts scholarships.
It seems that for music, dance, theatre, and acting, the most important school performing arts grants come from the National Endowment for the Arts. Dance grants are available in award amounts ranging from $15,000 to $150,000 for schools. These grants for performing arts are available under the NEA’s American Masterpieces program, and the funds are awarded to support a variety of projects. Under the same program, awards are made for music, opera, theater, literature, and even Folk & Traditional Arts programs, and the awards are made to elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, colleges, universities, and performing arts schools and programs across the United States.
Another important organization that provides grant money for music programs is the Mockingbird Foundation. While the program supports all dance programs, they are particularly interested in programs that support music education for children. Due to limited funds, however, the performing art grants that are made typically range from $500 to $5000. In most cases, the organization only funds interests in the United States, and then only to programs that are nonprofit.
The New England Foundation for the Arts supports Dance, Theatre, Native Arts, Presentations, Public Art, and various other performing arts projects. While the amounts of the awards vary, these awards are usually worth $40,000 to $50,000. Not only does the organization provide funding for programs, but also for tours.
Because so many public schools simply cannot afford music programs these days, programs such as VH1 Save the Music have become more common. These programs usually make grants available to elementary and junior high schools, but some also make performing arts grants available to high schools and colleges.
The Children’s Theater Foundation of America makes numerous awards each year to support theater programs for children. These performing arts grants include Founders Grants, the Aurand Harris Grants, the Aurand Harris Fellowships, the Alvin Cohen Memorial Fund, and the Reba R. Robertson Award. Founders Grants are made for projects of national significance and are made to either organizations or individuals. The Aurand Harris Grants are available for nonprofit small to mid-sized theaters. The Aurand Harris Fellowships are awarded to individuals for individual artist development plans. The Alvin Cohen Memorial Fund is awarded to exceptional programs that are concerned primarily with children’s theater. The Reba R. Robertson Award is given to Outstanding Teachers of public secondary schools.
For more information regarding the National Endowment for the Arts, their programs, go to: performing arts grants. Information about the programs and grants are available through the Mockingbird Foundation. More information can be found by going to the: New England Foundation for the Arts. Information on the performing arts grants can be found at: VHI Save the Music Program. Go to: Children’s Theater Foundation of America for more performing grants.
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What an aseowme way to explain this now I know everything!