Art Design Scholarships
If you plan to enter the field of Art and Design and are looking for a scholarship, this most likely means that you plan a career in the field of architecture. For such an education, you should be seeking architecture scholarships, as well as scholarships that fall under the category of art and design scholarships.
While some of these art design scholarships are widely advertised, some are not. One example of this is the American Structurepoint Fellowship Fund, offered by American Structurepoint. This art design scholarship is available to first year students in a Master in Architecture program, and there isn’t a great deal of information regarding the award. To apply, you must submit a letter of request, and include your academic record, your portfolio, your resume, and a statement of educational and professional goals, as well as an explanation and evidence of financial need. There is no actual application to fill out.
It is also important to check with the department at your college or university, or the school that you plan to attend for art and design scholarships. Many are college specific. One such art design scholarship is the Macy’s Scholarship Endowment in Memory of Rudolph V. Javosky, available only to undergraduate students who are enrolled fulltime at the University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planing School of Architecture and Interior Design. The student must be majoring in Digital, Fashion, Graphic Design, Interior Design, or Architecture.
You should also check with foundations and other organizations that serve the art and design community, such as the American Architectural Foundation. Through this foundation, you could win the Richard Morris Hunt Fellowship. This is a six month fellowship that awards a stipend of $25,000. You should also check out the International Furnishings and Design Association Educational Foundation Scholarships and Grants. Numerous awards are made through this organization, ranging from $1500 to $3000. These awards include the IFDA/EF Student Scholarship, The IFDA Leaders Commemorative Scholarship, the Part Time Student Scholarship, the IFDA Student Member Scholarship, the Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship, the Vercille Voss IFDA Graduate Student Scholarship, the Green/Sustainable Design Scholarship, and the Marketing Internship Scholarship.
If you are studying in a field of art and design that is closely related to the architectural field, but isn’t exactly architecture, you should search for art scholarship opportunities based on your specific field of study, or your specific career goals, as these are the ones that you are most likely to win. The more specific you can be in your search, the better the results will be, and this also significantly lowers the amount of competition that you will encounter when it comes to the selection process for the art design scholarships that you apply for. If you are a minority student, also seek out art and design specific scholarship opportunities for your specific minority.
For more information about the American Structurepoint Fellowship Fund, visit: art and design scholarships. For information regarding the Macy’s Scholarship Endowment in Memory of Rudolph V. Javosky, visit: art design scholarships. To learn more about the Richard Morris Hunt Fellowship, visit: design scholarships. To get more information about the International Furnishings and Design Association Educational Foundation Scholarships and Grants visit: scholarships for art design.
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lam realy looking for a schoolarship to study in parson school of fashion and design for undergraduate proggrame kindly consider my request am in south korea for volunteering.thank you.