Young Arts Scholarship
The Young Arts scholarship award, offered by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts, is a program which works to encourage artistic development in students around the United States. This program is an easy scholarship to get entirely because of the number of awards it gives out every year – over 128 different students will be able to get a Young Arts scholarship. Despite the number of awards the Young Arts scholarship has to offer, it requires dedication and sincere ability to really get access to.
Students who are interested in a Young Arts easy scholarship should have exceptional interest and abilities in the cinematic arts, dance, jazz, music, visual arts or several other categories. It will be impossible for a student who lacks sincere enthusiasm for their particular artistic field to get access to this easy scholarship, but those who have the interest will find it a fantastic way to help pay for their education and artistic interests.
Beyond simply being a dedicated artist interested in their respective field, applicants to the Young Arts scholarship are going to have to operate within the limitations of the scholarship when applying in their specific field. While many different Young Arts scholarships are given out every year, which helps to make this an easy scholarship, competition in the individual categories can be pretty stiff and applicants will want to make the best showing that they can.
First it is important to understand the eligibility for this easy scholarship through the Young Arts program. All applicants will need to be a high school senior during their application year or, if they are not, they must be 17 or 18 years old by December 1. All applicants must be residents of the United States and those students who are not natural born citizens will need to show proof of permanent residence.
Winners of the award will be determined at three different levels. The top winners will receive $10,000, and silver awardees are given $5,000. Below these top two positions, three “level” awards are given out at $3,000 for Level 1, $1,500 for Level 2, and $1,000 for Level 3. Those students receiving honorable mention will get $250 and finally all students who deserve merit for their applications will be awarded $100. The online application process for Young Arts potentially easy scholarships must be completed by October 14 with all supporting material being turned in no later than October 29.
Because the artistic platforms on which the Young Arts scholarship program gives awards on vary in what is involved, it is not surprising that evaluation criteria is going to change remarkably depending on what field a student is submitting work in. It is important to note that while this is an easy scholarship because of the number of awards given out, in terms of work put in the program can be difficult to find an award through. Looking over the requirements for artists who want to submit an application in Jazz, this becomes pretty clear. Judges will consider improvisational techniques, quality of sound, mastery of a chosen instrument, rhythm throughout the selected piece, ability to produce proper tuning, interpretation of the selected work, and the phrasing of the music. Those who are familiar with music will understand that in combination these things can be difficult to master, pulling them all together to produce a top notch performance can be incredibly trying.
Visual artists looking to pick up a Young Arts scholarship will find the need to produce original content of the upmost importance. Judges will consider imagination, execution, and use of materials. Applicants will need to upload a portfolio which best represents their creative endeavors – a difficult task for any artist.
Students interested in a Young Arts scholarship will need to read evaluation criteria for their field very carefully. While an easy scholarship at its surface, the program requires dedication and a lot of original work. Those applying to the program will want to think carefully about what piece of music they will play or what bits of art they will include in their portfolio. Carefully measuring what best represents and artist will help any applicant get some reward from this program.
So this excludes individuals who are not in high school?
direct your question to contact Young Arts. Be specific on describing your situation so they can tell you if you qualify to apply or not.
i am 24 year old.i have diploma in gerafic and animation. i like to take scularship in animation for graguate.would you help me? i can sending some of my work and resume if ypu need
best regards
you must apply to any scholarship where you fit the scholarship criteria. Go to list of scholarships.
this probably sounds very dumb but where do I go to write this essay, is there a link or another website?
no question is ever dumb (an old teacher always taught). Go to apply Young Arts Scholarship.
Dear ladies and gentlemen , I am sengsong saykouxiong and I am Laos.
I am an Orphan and I just graduated my high school this year. I am so interest about art when I was young and right now I am still drawing and painting, I really want to have a scholarships to archive my art and to develop my country when I finish from art school.
Thank you for reading.
look into educational bursaries if your country has them and need based scholarships. Talk to the FinAids manager at the college you are interested in attending about the student aid programs that you will qualify for. Read more about easy scholarships for college.